Alguns anos atrás tive uma idéia para fazer caixas com tampa vazado, mandei fazer (tem alguém no centro de Fortaleza que faz tudo de mdf e vende bem barato, pedi ele e fez do jeito que quis, baratinho!). Bem levei as caixas para Holanda para fazer lá, faltou tempo, mas esta vez quando a gente estava lá resolvi fazer, ficou muito legal!
A few years ago I had an idea to make boxes with an open lid, I had them made in the center of Fortaleza where a guy works with wood, I explained the way I wanted it and he made them exactly the way I wanted for very cheap! Well, I took the boxes to paint in Holland when we went, but I had no time, but this time when we were there I decided to go for it and they turned out so pretty!
Furei aos redor do vazado e lixei e pintei a tampa e a caixinha. O lado de fora da caixa é feito com decupagem com guardanapo, a tampa é decorado com respingos de tinta feito com escova de dente
I drilled holes around it and than sanded and painted the lid and the box. The outside of the box is decorated with decoupage with napkins, the lid is decorated with little drops of white paint made with a toothbrush
Passei arame com continhas que combinam com a cor da caixa, ficou um encanto!
I put wire with beads through the holes, I used combining colors, they all turned out so cute!
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