Estava no shopping Iguatemi algum tempo atrás e vi um novo kiosque chamado Babychocolate, com coisas tão fofas!!!!! Cupcakes a bolos feitos de roupinhas, babador etc. Eu e minha amiga Sandra paramos para olhar, as vendedoras já pensando que vamos comprar, mas na verdade estou só olhando para ver como é feito rsrsrsrsrs Encontrei umas imagens na internet, olha só!
I was in the shoppingmall a while ago and there was a new stand called babychocolate, with so many cute things. Cupcakes and other delicious things made from onesies, bibs etc. Me and my friend Sandra stopped to take a look, the ladies of the shop already thought we would buy something. But I was just taking a look at how it was made hehehheh I found a few images on the internet, just take a look!
Achei um site onde ensina fazer cupcakes e pirulitos de roupinhas, idéia legal para um chá de bebe né?
I found a website that has tutorials teaching cupcakes and lollipops, nice idea for a babyshower isn’t it?
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