Estes 2 quadros fiz para os filhos de minha primas, nas cores do quarto delas.
These 2 paintings I made for the kids of my 2 cousins, in the colors of their babyroom!
Iris –> ovelha foi feito com amostras de papel de parede. A pintura do fundo foi feito com tinta acrilica
Iris –> The sheep was made with scraps of wallpaper. The rest was painted with acrillic paint.
Tessa –> O cogumelo foi feito em feltro. A pintura do fundo foi feito com tinta acrilica
Tessa –> The mushroom was made with felt. The rest was painted with acrillic paint.
Me deixe saber se quer os riscos destes 2 trabalhos.
Let me know if you’d like me to upload the sketches for these.
Foto weekoverzicht Judith #521
Het was een relatief rustige week voor mij. Dat heb ik niet vaak, dus ik
koester zulke dagen. Ik genoot nog na van ons tripje naar Aalborg en werkte
’s a...
4 days ago
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Obrigada por tomar tempo para reagir, fico muito grata!!!