Saturday, May 31, 2008

LO with flergs´kit and JUMP freebie

Geplaatst door Melanie op 4:25 PM 2 reacties
Finally I´ve used the kit I bought from flergs, I just LOVE her designs, and ´cause she has a boy, she has some really good stuff for boys LO´s. Again winning bannerwoman´s contest came in handy!!! I still didn´t spend it all, you can do a lot with 20US$, but right after kimb´s grabbag (which was a bargain btw) I decided to buy something of flergs, ofcourse I also bought her terrific glitters! I bought it with discount on NSD, but didn´t have a chance to scrap with it yet, Hope you like this page. I cut my son´s hair this week, and with this short haircut suddenly he looks like such a big boy!!! Also thanks everytone for their kind comments, there´s another freebie today!!!!!

Credits: About a Boy Kit by Megan Farrow (aka flergs) and Ellie Lash, available at scrapbookgraphics here
Stars overlay from freebie DEnims Blues by flergs (
And here´s the freebie, click image or link to go to the downloadpage
download here

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

first freebie add-on for JUMP

Geplaatst door Melanie op 4:47 PM 8 reacties
Thank you all sooooooooooooooooo much for all the sweet comments on my previews!!!! They make me feel like I´m the best designer in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry exagerating just a LITTLE bit......) So here´s the first, if you want leave some love, it´s very much appreciated! If you use anything, I´d love to see it, and any tips or ideas are welcome as well!!!! The crowns have a glittered edge and the backgrounds are textured. I´ve been using overlays from June Schutrups fom Cen´s stuff ( and glitters are from flergs:
Download here

Sunday, May 25, 2008

quickpage freebie and I´ve started designing!

Geplaatst door Melanie op 10:11 PM 8 reacties
No layouts to share today but I do have some fun stuff!!!!! I´ve been playing around with some of June´s commercial use stuff, she actually was my inspiration to start making some papers for a swap after a chat, and one thing led to the other, throughout my freebiedownloading I had already assembled some CU freebies, and started looking at some tutorials and have made some nice things if I say so my self!!!!! My first kit was in my last post, and a quickpage made with some stuff out of the other CT-girls kit you will see below. But first I want to show off what I´ve been creating and will be sharing in the next few weeks. To make it easier for myself I used the colourscheme of Digitreats ABC kit starting with JUMP (as most people make add-ons for SKIP and RUN). Just look on Pamela´s site:
Just look at the previews below and tell my if you´de like some of these goodies!!!!!! I´ll start sharing links to these in the next few days, today I´m only sharing the prevs!!!!
All made with June´s stuff available at, sorry the store was down when I wrote this so I don´t have the straight link, just go to the store, go to Cens´stuff and while you´re there take a look at all the great things she has there!!!!

I´ve used bannerwoman´s free script!!!!!!

I´ve made crowns and also made hearts!

(There are 4 diferent packs for these: 2 packs with 10 flowers, one with leaves and one with buttons so that you can build up your own flower!!!!)
There´s more to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here´s the quickpage, go to June´s blog to get the download of this great CT collab kit, our first!!!!!!

download here or click image

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tagged twice!

Geplaatst door Melanie op 11:14 AM 1 reacties
Wow, I´vee been tagged twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First by Kim @
I was already breaking my head at who to tag back, as most of the CT has already been tagged or is tagging!!!!!! And than June @ decided to tag me as well!!!!!! So I guess I´ll be tagging the new girls of our CT whose blog I have......... Welcome to you all!!!!!!!
Here is what I'm supposed to do...
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

So here are my 7 facts (can´t think of many wierd things...):
1. I´m from holland but have been living in brazil for 7 years now!
2. I like haring (dutch raw fish) and black dutch candy, not weird for dutch people at all, but anybody outside holland is horrifeid by it, so far I did not find many brazilias who like black candy, lucky me, this way I can eat it all when someone sends it to me!!!!
3. I speak Dutch, English, German, and portuguese!
4. I just got my driver´s licence here in brazil, and my test didn´t even take 5 minutes, it was done on a quiet street, I had been waiting for 8 (!!!) hours and during my test a huge cow (yes your read it right a cow!) came on the road and when a boy came to get it away it went into the garage that I was supposed to park in!!!!!
5. Every week I go to a slum in Fortaleza to work with pregnant teenagers and with prevention, I go together with another girl from holland who works with me and we do draw a lot of attention!!!!!!
6. I got married 2 times with the same guy!!!!! In may 2003 we had a cerimony in brazil and in august 2003 another one in holland, how fancy is that?
7. One time a huge spider bit my hand, my hand was so swollen I couldn´t even make a fist!

So who do I tag???? Just like June I don´t really want to tag popel I don´t know, and as said before, most of my CT has been tagged, so I won´t make it to tag 7 people but I´m tagging:
1. Alisa @
2. debi @
3. Monica: http:\\
4. Cactusfreak: (thanks for leaving a comment! She has some great cheap hybrid ideas gals!)
5. My mom: (this way the tag will go into the doll´s house world!!!!)

Sheila asked in my comments last week about the links june left in the scarppindigikreations forum, ther are in the latest news therad, look in the threads for the tuesday chats and there you can find the links for designing tutorials!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What I bought with my 20US$ and collabkit freebie

Geplaatst door Melanie op 10:27 PM 12 reacties
WOW sorry about this toooooooooooooo looooooooooooooong post, I was going to post only the LO´s I made with KimB´s grabbag, but by the time I had time to post, I had already some other LO´s to share and a freebie!!! My first kit! June is doing a collab this week by our CT, she´s been having some chats the past few week at ScrappinDigiKreations about creating stuff, I always mess up the timezones, (or forget about it), so I´ve missed all of them, but I did use the links she kindly puts up in the therad afterwards for some great tuts. But first hang in with me, remember this scheme I won 20 US$ with from Bannerwoman at DST?

Well, this is what Bannerwoman made with it, she kindly gave me the links for the kit for free!!!!

And this is what I made with it:
Click here to find this kit Rustic garden.
So I´ve been working a lot with KimB´s stuff, I´m sooooo glad I bought the grabbag, it had GREAT stuff in it!!!! Thanks to Bannerwoman whose contest I won, that 20 $ I won came at the right time, just before Scrapbooking Day!!!! But the very very first thing I ever ever ever bought for scrapbooking was the grabbag by KimB. I was already spotting it, and winning 20 US$ made it so easy to chosse which shop to go to first!!!!!! I wlays love to read here blog, it makes me smile!!!! So I´ve used a couple of quickpages Kim´s CT team made, adjusted them a bit, and made some pages myself. I mostly used some pictures of our trip to Belo Horizonte last year. But the funniest pic I used was this one from my son, almost every week he has a bump on his head, sometimes it makes you even want to stay at home, ´cause people must think "what are they doing with this boy?????" LOL, and seen the fact these bruised are part of his second year of life we had to take a picture of it!!!!!! Almost everything from grabbag, cardarrows were a freebie on her blog a while ago. The blue tape is from J. Bullock, from the Shabby Cottage Collab Kit at (GREAT freebie by the way!)

These pictures are from the area my husbands´family lives in the northeast of brazil, just beautiful, mountains everywhere. The clustered frame, which was a freebie on her blog, made it very easy to make just the right page. The backgroundpaper is a combi of a freebiepaperpack called Going Green, with another freebie paper from Close Knit sampler, flowers from same sampler. The branch was also from Ordinary Day freebie sampler.

I had already started on the piggy-page, but I just couldn´t find anything that gave the feel I was looking for, when I saw this quickpage I knew it was just right!!!! I just added the alpha and birdie from the grabbag. (quickpage:

The parrot-page is also a quickpage, I only recoloured the background to match the birdies green colour, and some elements from the grabbag, the glitter trail is from Bunny Cates. (quickpage:

This page shows me and a mini-egg, I´d never seen such a small egg from a chicken!!!! The quicpage was just perfect! (quickpage created by Elaine)

And than I made these pictures to be made on a teaglass for my grandparents, both my grandmothers and my graddad are having their birthday this month, and something with a picture always workd perfect, and it´s the perfect thing to do as I can order them here in Brazil through the internet so my mom can pick them up in holland and give it to them!!! Elements and paper in alpha are from grabbag. (PS I just saw that if you look closely to my son´s forehead on this pic, there´s a bruise there.....LOL)

Grabbag is no longer available, but check out her blog for some great freebies, and the link to her store:

Next some things I did for some challenge on NSD: First one for technique challenge and grabbag challenge (I forgot to post in the techniquechallenge though....)Be joyful always!!!!!!! That really applies to my son!
credits:Background, flower and frame by Maria La France, grabbag for NSD 2008,
leafborder, paperborder, stars and swirl all by flergs: (mostly from Denim Blue kit)
Be Joyful Always paper strip by Rowena Field from
Bird and paperswirls by Krystal Hartley also from (love freebie)
I also participated int he QP swap, the kit was available for only 1US$!!!!!!!!!!! I had never done a QP challenge before and can´t wait to get the other links, the gallery looks like it has some great pages!!!
kit Patio Gossip by Digital Couture availabe at, CU free clusterframe bu retrodiva
I really really like flergs stuff as well, so second thing I did was go to here shop and buy some of her great glitter and a beautiful kit that /i have not used yet. This page was made for a challnge at the sunshinestudio forum, great place to hang out!!!!! This was also for the scrap outside the box challenge, so I decided to do something totally diferent! To help myself out I made a template first, which will be available on June´s blog. Get the kit here, keep an eye on her blog, the other CT girls have great parts as well, and next week a QP swap with this one, you won´t want to miss that do you?????? The glittery sun and rainbow I made myself, I spent a holw day on this LO..... the sun and rainbow are in the freebiekit as well!!!!!
credits: Kit Bonus from Sunshine Studio by flergs and Franziska " A Day in the garden"
Blue paper: Deacon´s Closet Sampler by Flergs
Glitter: by Flergs (everything available at
Sooooooooooooooooooooooo you´ve made it through the end (or maybe you just scrolled down my blablabla just to get the freebie!) hehehehe. Here´s the preview, the template is NOT included in this download you´ll have to go to June´s blog for that one!!!!
Let me know what you think!!!!!!
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